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                             ReadLn procedure

  DECLARATION:  ReadLn( [var F : Text;] v1 [, v2,...,vN] )

      PURPOSE:  Executes the Read procedure and skips to the next line

         UNIT:  System

      REMARKS:  ReadLn is an extension of Read, as it is defined for
                Text files.  After executing the Read, ReadLn advances to
                the beginning of the next line in the file.

                ReadLn(F) with no other parameters will cause the current
                file position to be advanced to the beginning of the next
                line in the file, or to the end of the file if there are
                no more lines in the current file.

 RESTRICTIONS:  Works only with Text files and standard Input.
                File must be previously Assigned and Opened

See Also: Read ReadKey
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson